I testify to the goodness of God upon my life and the fulfillment of His word. I keyed into the prophesy of Daddy in the month of May that 'Before 7 days, someone is going to get a pay rise.' Just on the Monday, under 24 hours, I was given pay rise at my place of work. I also thank God for His protection that has averted a fatal accident. Glory be to God
Sister Endurance
I give a God the glory for my son's successful surgery. In the midst of the procedure I started to remember a case of someone that went through the same operation but did not come back out of it. I thank God that the lie of the devil didn't become real. Praise the Lord
Ade Olubanwo
I thank God that vindicates those going through trials. The word of knowledge from Daddy on during the 2nd prophetic Sunday that 'God will vindicate every one that's going through any trial.' I keyed into that and in that week alone;
i. God vindicated me by allowing a huge sum of money that seems to have been lost in a mysterious way to be found in an unexpected place.
ii. My car that was stolen from an official parking lot before I embarked on a family holiday was found while still away on holiday. Just like a week into the vacation, I received a call from the police that the vehicle has been found neat and without vandalism. Glory and honour be unto the Lord God.
Deaconess Fajolu
I thank God for His protection over me and my family. There is a spot that I normally pack whenever I drop the children at school, but on this day, I could not pack there for one reason or the other. But within the twinkle of an eye a lorry crashed directly into that spot that had it been I was there it would have been a different story for the children and I. I give Him the glory due that it's not by power, it's not by might...
Yinka Adesanya
I thank prayer answering God for my promotion at work which was also attached to my visa extension. There was initial fear of how to meet the bill in the house, but the Lord that answered by fire did wonders and sorted every issues. glory be to God.
Akin Akinleye
I thank God for what all that He has been doing in my life; I regard everyday as blessed and testimony day for me. I also that God for grace of life. On 17th December as I was going for an appointment in the hospital, a hit and run hit my car on the driver's side and ran away. It could have been worst but all was the grace of God.
Omotoke Salawu
I thank God for all that I have recently gone through and for His mercy and victory on all sides." Praise the Lord!"
Bola Ekwenuya
I thank God for the speed at which He answers prayers. Daddy directed according to the word of knowledge that we should write out 5 things we want God to do for us as we enter the New Year. I wrote mine and under two weeks, the Lord surprised me by providing a new and better job opportunity, even with a tight schedule and less time for preparation, I had an itch free successful interview and job offer. This is beginning of greater things to come. Glory be to God .
Part 2 of my earlier testimony regarding a new job. I thank God for His divine wisdom and knowledge that made Business plan I submitted to the best out of many. I acknowledge that it could only be God hence I have come to give honour to whom the honour is due. Praise the Lord.
Seun Fajolu
I thank and bless God for my papers. I sent it for extension but instead of extension I received a request for more documents which as at the time I do not have. But holding unto the word of our Daddy that 'the Lord that has started will actually accomplish it.' I waited on the Lord. And within a week before the deadline they gave, God miraculously sent the docs I needed at a time I did not expect it, through the post. And what the officer in charge said will take weeks was confirmed in couple of days. The Lord of Immigration Breakthrough surely abides in this ministry. Glory be to God.
Kayode Omope
I testify to the glory of God on behalf of my daughter's salvation and her unflinching relationship with God. And also give glory to God for the successful completion her PHD program. Praise the Lord.
Yomi Apatira