Account Deletion Policy
Christ Royal Church (CRC) App accounts undergo deletion under the following circumstances:
Request-based Deletion: Users can request the deletion of their CRC App account in writing at any time.
Automatic Deletion due to Inactivity: Non-production accounts may be deleted by CRC after a period of inactivity.
Termination for Violation of Terms of Service: In the rare event of a significant violation of CRC’s terms of service leading to service access termination, user accounts will be suspended. The account and data may be stored for an indefinite period for legal actions or defense. Once the data is no longer needed for these purposes, it will be removed, and accounts will be terminated following the standard process.
Account Closure Request Procedure: Upon validating an account closure request, access to all CRC events on the app is immediately halted, and users are notified. After a 90-day cooling off period, any remaining content will be permanently deleted.
How to Delete Your Account: To delete your CRC App account, please send an email to requesting account deletion. We regret to see you go!
Account Deletion Process: Upon receiving the deletion request, accounts are promptly deleted from the CRC App along with all associated content, uploads, profile images, etc.