My prayer for you and your family
1. I pray for you today, as you begin this year, you will end it with joy & satisfaction . You will spend your time this year rejoicing in Jesus name
2. As you begin the first month of the year, the ground you walk upon will produce blessings, the sky above will release favour and all around you and your household, the breeze will blow peace in Jesus name.
3. You and your family will not know poverty; you will go in and out of your house in peace in Jesus name.
4. You shall not struggle to be recognised, your gift shall announce you in the name of Jesus
5. In everything you do, you will succeed in all your endeavours. I decree concerning you that by this time next year you will look back with tears of joy and with great fulfilment of your expectations in Jesus name
6. All your lack shall give way to abundance and you shall enjoy uncommon blessing in the mighty name of Jesus.
7. The rejected shall become selected – People shall hear your testimonies and follow you to serve your God in Jesus name.
8. You will become the Joseph of your family, the star and hope of your generation because you know where you are going, I command that the world will step aside and follow you this year in Jesus name.
9. May you find favour with God and people of this world in the name of Jesus
10. May you grow in wisdom and stature; you will walk in dominion over every circumstances and situation. May every day of this year be for you as days of success in Jesus name.
11. For the rest of your life, you will forget the word failure because your success is non – negotiable.
12. As you begin this year, it will be the greatest year of your life and the beginning of your unprecedented success in the mighty name of Jesus.
13. . However bad it has been with you till this point. Those who laugh at you before, shall come to laugh with you in Jesus name.
14. You shall from henceforth enter into the place of your greatness and destiny because the Lord will lead you out of the valley of failures to success in Jesus name.
15. You shall have clear and spectacular visions and outstanding victory; you will be blessed beyond curse, raised above terror and established beyond oppression.
16. In place of breakdown you shall have breakthrough, in weakness, you shall be strengthened and the oil of gladness shall pour on you and your family in Jesus name
17. You shall rise above every obstacle and be carried on the wings of eagle because you shall run and not tired, fly and not be wearied.
18. The Lord will remember you for good because greatness and destiny shall open by their own accord for you this year in Jesus name
19. . Favours shall overwhelm your endeavours and you shall enjoy unlimited greatness in Jesus name.
20. Whatever may be holding your life captive, you are coming out of that imprisonment this year in Jesus name
21. Whatever is resisting your liberty and deliverance is terminated in the name of Jesus
22. Every enemy against your family is cripple in Jesus name
23. Every evil program installed against your life, fertility, finance and marriage is roasted by fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name
24. I decree that every good things shall answer in your favour this year in Jesus name
25. Whatever you might have lost in life , I decree a complete restoration in Jesus name
26. Any pit you might have been pushed into , with effect from today , you are coming out in Jesus name
27. I command every evil gang up against your destiny be scattered in Jesus name
28. Anything you lay your hands on this year will prosper in Jesus name
29. I decree concerning you that your destiny and that of your children will not be aborted this year in Jesus name
30. As Job experienced a new beginning , it is your turn to enjoy a new beginning of joy in Jesus name
31. The lord will take you out of the class of failure to the class of success this year in Jesus name
32. I decree concerning your household , no one will pay you a condolence visit in Jesus name
33. I decree in the name of Jesus that at the time of your glory, sudden death will not snatch you away.
34. I pray for you throughout this year the lord will load you with daily benefits in Jesus name
35. Your journey in this world shall lead you to success, and you shall not be disappointed by the God that you serve.
36. Greater shall be your joy as your progress in life shall be coming fast and steadily to the glory of God.
37. No weapon fashioned to stop your progress in life shall prosper.
38. In your struggle to go up, you shall meet God’s favour and you shall always excel.
39. I prophesy for the rest of this year, you will not receive evil report
40. The Lord will crown all your efforts this year with success in Jesus name.
41. I pray for you that this year the Lord will release you to full destiny. I command the greatest problem of your life to be rendered redundant in Jesus name.
42. As the Almighty God exists, this year , men & women will see the evidence of God’s grace and mercy in your life.
43. Throughout this the presence of God will go with you
44. The lord will satisfy you and you will not experience financial, marital dryness in Jesus name
45. No power on earth shall holdback your breakthrough in Jesus name
46. I prophesy that throughout this year there will be noise of celebrations in my family in Jesus name.